Betting Sites in Indonesia

Search for online betting sites in Indonesia. The issue of betting and sport gambling in Indonesia, the biggest archipelago in the world, at the intersection of Asia and Oceania, offers a whole new storyline that is filled with securitized regulations and prohibitions. Being a host to over 276 million inhabitants of the Southeast Asian nation, the country’s cultural diversity is indeed impressive. Predominated by Islam and affecting countless dimensions of society, Indonesia is characterised by strict legislation, concerning gambling in particular.

Betting Sites in Indonesia
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188Bet SportsUp To £100+ £50 Free BetsRead ReviewVisit Site

The Gamble of The State in Indonesia

Indonesia becomes the case of the nation where internet penetration coexists with harsh gambling legislations. Both land-based and online gambling are prohibited under Article 303 of the country’s criminal code and violations are punishable by up to four years in prison. This act has strongly settled in the year 1974, and it is a sign of the country’s consistent stand in the prohibiting of gambling activities.

The Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi is leading an intensive crackdown on illegal betting sites in Indonesia. Under his term starting from May 2023, proactive measures were taken to remove online gambling-related content, which denote an important success of eliminating more than 800,000 gambling contents. This measure, which Setiadi calls “tantamount to a five-year’s worth of online gambling content blockage accumulation,” demonstrates the government’s determination.

Gambling Law and Regulation in Indonesia – 5 Things to Know

People are to inform the authorities of suspicious activities.

The Indonesian authorities are being proactive in order to control online gambling.

The government is in collaboration with various agencies to fight off betting promotions.

Stricter gambling laws of Indonesia are critically important for both the nationals and foreigners.

The ministry of communications and information targets gambling content to be blocked within 24 hours.

Banned Betting Sites in Indonesia

The country’s adherence to the strict Islamic Law prevents any form of gambling such as casinos, poker rooms, sports betting, and bingo from being legal in the 34 Indonesian provinces. Such adherence to religious tenets has made Indonesia to not touch Asia’s growing gambling business which is set to go around $80 billion.

More intriguingly, the gambling position is also evident in the virtual domain, with the Indonesian authorities attempting to stop access to betting sites in Indonesia and to block sports betting platforms as the government’s strict enforcement practices. One such enforcement is especially obvious in the ministry headed by Budi Arie’s culmination of blocking a record-breaking 600 hundred gambling-related sites and social media accounts.

Gambling Laws of Betting Sites in Indonesia

Over the years, Indonesia has enacted a number of important laws to regulate and restrict gambling activities in the country.

  • 1974: The formal ban on all types of gambling.
  • 2012: Announcing the initation to declare illegal all forms of online gambling which is believed to have been triggered by the big amount of rupiahs gambled via online during the European Football Championships.

Nevertheless, in spite of these prohibitions, the attraction to online gambling remains, causing the Indonesian authorities to take a more creative approach to fight the influx of illegal gambling content. Such efforts include cooperation with the telecom sector and service providers to ban IP addresses, websites and even payment methods related to gambling.

Ongoing War On Online Gambling

Having the present-day digital age challenges into consideration, Indonesia initiated a strategic warfare against the reach of online gambling. In recognizing the move towards digital avenues, Budi Arie and his team have broadened their coverage to detect the blocking of SMS and WhatsApp blasts that are utilized for gambling promotion, mostly those sent from offshore. The proactive position reflects the government’s resolve in creating a gambling-free society, which is reinforced through the partnerships with the Financial Services Authority and other major stakeholders.

In addition, for effective public involvement in these measures, the Ministry of Communication and Information has introduced a policy that gambling content shall be shut down within a day of discovery thus providing the citizens with an opportunity to report at suspicious data to the authorities.


The Indonesian sports betting enthusiasts and gamblers face an obvious directive – they have to accept the fact that gambling is illegal in the country. Although the enthusiasm for sports betting might be mirrored in other parts of the world, in Indonesia, the course remains firmly in the direction of prohibition. The digital age is ushering in new betting frontiers and for both locals and foreigners, understanding and obeying the state’s gambling laws is crucial. The determination of Indonesian authorities to eliminate gambling reflects a deeper cultural and legal ethic in which the state and the society put the social values above the transient attraction of gambling.


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